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Healthy Holidays is a micro memory game that teaches users the importance of staying safe and healthy during the holiday season during the rise of the Omicron variant. The goal for the team was to raise awareness of public health challenges using games. The core loop of the game was a matching game that involved players needing memorize a sequence of orbs to respond back to.




C#, HTML, JavaScript




Lead Programmer

(Systems Designer)

Time of Development:

5 Weeks

Team Size:


Core Ownerships

Sequencing System

I developed a responsive sequencing system  to call random orbs in sequence for players to memorize and repeat back to.​

  • I added a custom orbs class to cut down development time and allow the lead artist to add text popups, audio, and VFX effect indicators for each orb in a short time.

Win/Lose Conditions

Scripted the two lists for comparison*. If they don't match then the player loses and the game ends. I also handled animations for the model when the player completes a sequence, miss a sequence, or when timer runs out.

  • *Order of Orb Sequenced in Round vs. Order of Orb Selections from the player.

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Error Messages for Moblie Users​

Using HTML and JavaScript, I added message errors for mobile phone users when phones aren't sideways when the game is loading.



Post Mortem

From the time I started at Lucid Dream, I was able to learn a lot about the importance of communication and how it is needed for more successful outcomes. Being able to listen and learn new design principles from other programmers increased my confidence in my programming abilities. I was grateful for my time spent at Lucid Dream and for those I worked with.

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